Thursday 10 February 2011

A shock of Light

Hello dear reader,
First of all thank you for taking the time to read my first ever blog.
I have had dinner in the house of Lords and I have witnessed drug deals go down in rural parts of Scotland.
I can feel like an Angel and act like a devil. My father is a very successful business man who has been rewarded by the very system that I wish to see come to an end. I express my concern to him over the manipulation of the human mind via the traditional mainstream media channels. He claims that no one influences him. Yet he loves golf, and when he sees a dramatic game of golf on the television, he is enthralled. I would classify that as a type of influence. Either way the quarrel between my Father and I is really only a sub plot. The reason why i feel compelled to write this blog is two fold. A joy of expressive writing and a deep sense of purpose. A sense of purpose that expands beyond financial class, culture and religion.
I wish to keep this one short (because I am pretty fricking late for work) however in my next Blog I will tell you a story of Hell, Angels, Awakening and recall. All of which is true, and remember, the truth is often more amazing than fiction.
Until the morrow........